Logs are generated on all Network devices, Axiom Syslog Proxy ships logs to Axiom, acting as a Syslog server.

With Syslog logging system, you can monitor events on your devices and send them directly into Axiom, this also helps you retain your data logs.

The UDP log messages are sent on UDP port 514 to the Syslog server.

The TCP log messages are sent on TCP port 601 to the Syslog server.


Download the pre-compiled and archived binary manually

Binary releases are available on GitHub Releases.

Install using Homebrew

brew tap axiomhq/tap
brew install axiom-syslog-proxy

To update:

brew update
brew upgrade axiom-syslog-proxy

Install using go get

go get -u github.com/axiomhq/axiom-syslog-proxy/cmd/axiom-syslog-proxy

Install from source

git clone https://github.com/axiomhq/axiom-syslog-proxy.git
cd axiom-syslog-proxy
make install

Run the Docker image

Docker images are available on DockerHub


  1. Set the following environment variables to connect to Axiom:
  • AXIOM_TOKEN: Personal access or API token with permissions to ingest.
  • AXIOM_ORG_ID: Organization identifier
  • AXIOM_DATASET: Dataset where to send logs
  1. Run it: ./axiom-syslog-proxy or using Docker:
docker run -p601:601/tcp -p514:514/udp  \
  1. Test it:
echo -n "tcp message" | nc -w1 localhost 601
echo -n "udp message" | nc -u -w1 localhost 514

For more information on Axiom Syslog Proxy and how you can propose bug fix, report issues and submit PRs, see the GitHub repository.