This page explains how to send data from Honeycomb to Loki.


Configure endpoint in Axiom

  1. Click Settings icon Settings > Endpoints.
  2. Click New endpoint.
  3. Click .
  4. Name the endpoint.
  5. Select the dataset where you want to send data.
  6. Copy the URL displayed for the newly created endpoint. This is the target URL where sends data.

Configure Loki

In Loki, specify the following environment variables:

  • host or url is the target URL for the endpoint you have generated in Axiom by following the procedure above. For example,
  • Optional: Use labels or tags to specify labels or tags for your app.


Send logs from Loki using JavaScript

const { createLogger, transports, format, } = require("winston");
const LokiTransport = require("winston-loki");

let logger;

const initializeLogger = () => {
  if (logger) {

  logger = createLogger({
    transports: [
      new LokiTransport({
        host: "$LOKI_ENDPOINT_URL",
        labels: { app: "axiom-loki-endpoint" },
        json: true,
        format: format.json(),
        replaceTimestamp: true,
        onConnectionError: (err) => console.error(err),
      new transports.Console({
        format: format.combine(format.simple(), format.colorize()),

initializeLogger()"Starting app...");

Send logs from Loki using Python

import logging
import logging_loki

# Create a handler
handler = logging_loki.LokiHandler(
    tags={'app': 'axiom-loki-py-endpoint'},

# Create a logger
logger = logging.getLogger('loki')

# Add the handler to the logger

# Log some messages'Hello, world from Python!')
logger.warning('This is a warning')
logger.error('This is an error')